Saturday, February 9, 2008

Still researching Ayurvedics...

So I'm hearing all this good stuff about Ayurvedics and I'm thinking, it can't hurt, right? Especially given the way I've been feeling about my hair lately. Ayurveda is India’s 5,000 year old “Science of Life” and it is the art of living in harmony with nature. I'm doing some research, and I took the first step to determine my dosha. According to Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mix of three mind/body principles which creates our specific mental and physical characteristics. These three principles are called 'doshas'. Most of us have one or two doshas which are most lively in our nature, with the remaining one(s) less significant. Based on the quiz, my overall dosha is PITTA. In my body, I'm VATA, and in my mind I'm PITTA.

Based on the site, Pitta-types generally have a medium amount of physical energy and stamina. They also tend to be intelligent and have a sharp wit and a good ability to concentrate. Fire is a characteristic of Pitta, whether it shows up as fiery red hair or a short temper. They are ambitious by nature but also can be demanding and abrasive. Pitta types are known for their strong digestion but should be careful not to abuse it. Their heat makes them particularly thirsty, and they should take caution not to douse their agni, or digestive fire, with too much liquid during meals. Pitta dosha leads us to crave moderation and purity. We rely on Pitta to regulate our intake of food, water, and air. Any toxins, such as alcohol or tobacco, show up as a Pitta imbalance. Toxic emotions such as jealousy, intolerance, and hatred also should be avoided to keep Pitta in balance for optimum health. Pitta digestion is usually strong and intense. Pittas should favor cool or warm, rather than hot, foods, with moderately heavy textures. Foods should include bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes.

Pittas work hard all day and sometimes have trouble turning off their active minds to go to sleep. They need to take some time between work and sleep to really wind down and relax. A cool shower or bath also helps to soothe Pitta toward a restful night's sleep. Pitta digestion is usually strong and intense. Pittas should favor cool or warm, rather than hot, foods, with moderately heavy textures. Foods should include bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes.

This is so true for me! They even give a diet sheet, which I'll try to incoroporate into my diet.

As for my hair, I've been reading these websites (in addition to Healthy Hair Textures and LCHF):

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