Monday, May 7, 2012

Transitioning: Reason #11

When I was in the car waiting for my man, I scribbled a list of 15 reasons why I am transitioning to natural hair.  Over the next few weeks, I will discuss all 15, and maybe even add a few more.  These are in no particular order, I just feel like starting with 11 today!

REASON #11: Skimpy Ponytail

I hate my little skimpy ponytail.  I love to see thick, luscious ponytails.  Unfortunately, this is not the case for my hair. Not only is it because my hair is fine, but also relaxed.  Sometimes I feel like I've grown my hair in vain because when I wear a ponytail, it looks so sad.  I'd much rather have a short, full, happy puff!


Unknown said...

Mine is the same! You can see it in my second newest post.. But Oh well.. your hair is still gorgeous though xx

Charli627 said...

I found a trick for my ponytails that worked for me. I do a braid or twist out. I will braid up or twist up my hair, then the next morning I will take down and fluff it then use a goody stretch band and make a "puff" like the natural girls do lol. And I can also take the puff and pin the ends under and make a big full bun too!

Charli627 said...

Oh but I'm also 12 months post so maybe that is what helps make it a "puff" as well