Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Hair Babble - June 2012

My rod set last week lasted a whole week! I set my hair on a lot of grey perm rods, using Lottabody setting lotion and a little Ecostyler gel on the ends.  I went out of town where the weather was extremely hot and humid.  My hair stayed for my whole trip and 2 days afterwards!

I henna'd my hair this week- lazy busy girl style.  I didn't let the henna mix sit for the color release, but I still got color. I also only left it in my hair for about an hour and still got color.  I still had an itchy, flaky scalp from my ppd allergy last month, and the henna seemed to cure it.

I shampoo'd my hair for the first time with Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Clarifying Shampoo before I used the henna.  Loved it!

I deep conditioned with Pantene's Relaxed and Natural Breakage Defense Mask. I hadn't used it in a while.  That stuff was great. Too bad it's discontinued. :-(

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