Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 Days Natural

It's been 5 days since my big chop.  I'm hanging in there!  I still don't regret doing it, although I have had a few frustrated moments:

* The hair on top still has some relaxed ends, but I'm afraid to cut them.  The texture on top is different than the rest of my head because it doesn't curl/kink like the back and the sides.  I don't want to cut too much off making the top shorter than the rest.  I also don't know if there's some heat damage going on, or my curl patter really is looser there.  I'm going to just keep using small rollers on the top until it grows a little more.

* I haven't been experimenting with products like I wanted to, because I've had to work, and I don't want to risk a crazy looking hair day.  I've only been using Ecostyler gel.  This weekend, I'm going to try some curling products.

* I still don't know what I'm using as a moisturizer.  Lucky for me, my hair hasn't  been too dry.  I've been using Giovanni Direct Leave-in after I co-wash, and on days I don't co-wash, I spray some water/coconut oil mix on my hair.

* I've been getting some good feedback so far.  I went to a party the other day where a lot of my friends were, and they gave me some nice compliments.  I've been told I have the face for it, that I look younger, and short hair is what I always should wear.  The only people who don't like it are my father and this guy at my job. I could care less what either of them thinks.

The journey continues...


MrsQuanna said...

Your hair looks great! Cutting off your hair and starting all over again will definitely be a journey.

Black Girl Long Hair is a blog I like to read once in a while. Here is a blog post in particular that I thought was pretty poignant. The writer describes her experience getting used to her natural hair:

amija said...

I think you look great natural. I'm relaxed after being natural and I think that everyone should at least experience what it's like. I miss my natural hair sometimes but then when I think about the 2 day long twisting sessions, I snap out out of it. LOL!
Try Scurl for your moisturizer. It worked great for me.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your BC! I think it looks really nice on you! :D My hair at the top is slightly different from the rest of my hair as well. It may just be how it is. My last relaxer was 2/9/2010 and I big chopped 6/24/2010. Our times are similar! lol

The TyWay said...

OMG!!!! Hi Tiffanita!! You DID THE BIG CHOP!!!! I've disappeared off the map and come back to see that you have did your chop!!! Congratulations!!!! You Look Great!!!

Poupinadia said...

I am transitionnig,since 10 months.. Am afraid to cut my old relaxd ends...ive created a blog too...with an international hair blogs directory...hope ull pass by...i would like to subscribe to ur blog but idont know how...Cheers