Wednesday, November 7, 2012


My hair's moisture level is getting so much better.  I've been using Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Moisturizing Hair Lotion as my moisturizer for the past week or so, and it's doing a pretty good job keeping my hair moist and shiny. I have had a love/hate relationship with this product for a while. I bought it years ago when I was relaxed. Initially, I didn't like how it felt on my hair- heavy, oily and sticky. However, it seems to work on my son's curls.  I'm not sure what made me pick it up and try it last week, but I thought, 'why not?' As soon as I put some on my dry hair, I immediately saw and felt a difference. My hair looked shiny. It felt moist and silky. The hair "clumped" like I hadn't seen my natural hair do. So I decided to use it on a dry twist out. The next day my twists were moist, but not too greasy. When I pulled the twists apart, my hair stayed clumped for the most part, and did not separate and frizz like they usually do.

I tried again on wet hair and had pretty good results. I'm also getting better at second day hair.  Last night I put my hair in about 10 very loose ponytails. This morning, I just had to moisturize, fluff and go!

I also gave myself a trim.  My ends really needed it.  I don't know if it's scab hair, or just old damaged ends, but it's definitely not helping my curls.  I just dusted my ends to get rid of the wiry hairs.  I probably could have trimmed more, but I barely trust myself with scissors!  I did it on dry hair, so hopefully I'll see a difference after my next wash.

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